Sources: Internal Polling Shows Oz 10 Points Ahead of McCormick in Pennsylvania

Internal polling shows Pennsylvania Senate candidate Mehmet Oz surging past rival David McCormick by 10 points, according to sources close to the candidate’s campaign not authorized to talk to the press.

McCormick, a former hedge-fund executive and former undersecretary of the Treasury under George W. Bush, spent several weeks as the frontrunner in the Republican primary that will be decided on May 17, but recent public polls showed Oz quickly closing that gap.

Radio host and The Pennsylvania Daily Star Publisher John Fredericks, an early endorser of Oz’s campaign, attributes much of the momentum the renowned heart surgeon and broadcaster has experienced to the endorsement he received from former President Donald Trump earlier this month. 

“The Trump endorsement of Dr. Oz is the biggest game-changer of any current race in America,” Fredericks said. “Oz has been helping people for 30 years, both on the operating table and the kitchen table. McCormick has spent the last 30 years orchestrating taxpayer-funded bailouts for his cronies, shipping good-paying manufacturing jobs for Pennsylvanians to China and serving as the Chinese Communist Party’s U.S. hedge-fund financier.”

The former president expressed his enthusiasm for the Senate candidate in a tele-rally Friday evening, calling this contest “one of the most critical primary elections in the country this year.” Trump touted Oz’s support for tax reduction, deregulation, the right to life, the right to bear arms and toughness against Chinese mercantilism and hegemony. 

Sources close to the Trump orbit said Trump is considering a Pennsylvania rally for Oz on the first Saturday in May.

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Bradley Vasoli is managing editor of The Pennsylvania Daily Star. Follow Brad on Twitter at @BVasoli. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Mehmet Oz” by Mehmet Oz. Photo “Dave McCormick” by Dave McCormick. 




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One Thought to “Sources: Internal Polling Shows Oz 10 Points Ahead of McCormick in Pennsylvania”

  1. Wolf Woman

    Dr. Oz, a Muslim, on his Islamic beliefs: “I’ve struggled a lot with Muslim identity in part because within my family there were two different perspectives on it,” Oz told Gates.

    In the same interview, he compared his views on Sunni Islam and Sufi beliefs to the relationship between the rules of American football and the game on the field. “Those are just the rules of the game. If it’s 100 yards by 30 yards, you can have hash marks every 10 yards. Those are just the rules. The actual game is (what) you engage with other human beings . . . “

    These “rules of the game” according to Islam, which includes the Sufi sects, are its Politics, codified in Sharia law and the belief that the greatest god is Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger and perfect pattern for all humankind.

    Sharia law cannot co-exist with the United States Constitution as it accepts wife beating, unequal rights for Muslims and non-Muslims, slavery, death for apostasy, etc. And Mohammed preached the oppression of non-Muslims, was a warlord, a slave holder and misogynist.

    Will Dr. Oz publicly repudiate the Sharia and example of Mohammed as the perfect pattern for Islamic life?
